A deep dive into our modern, purpose-built Curriculum

Hi, Sunny here.

As mentioned in our previous article, we here at A&J School have developed a core curriculum that we believe will help prepare students for life in more tangible ways than the current education system allows. Here is a breakdown of the 15 modules. We have spent years building this. I could not be more ecstatic to show you what we have done. Students attending our school will emerge as some of the most well-rounded candidates universities have ever seen.

Financial Management

Most students spend hours of their lives learning about how the world works yet are not given the tools to navigate it. Financial literacy is not required in school, leaving students clueless about investing, saving, budgeting, or doing more complex tasks such as tax returns. This module provides a deep dive into this aspect of life, enabling students to manage their money, which will be critical if they decide to go to university.

Business Basics

The same logic applies to business basics. Whether a student plans to own a business or work in one, this course will equip students with knowledge that will allow them to navigate the world of work. This includes learning things such as task delegation, drafting contracts and how HR works.


Everyone is trying to sell something, regardless of where you work. There comes a point where students will need to convince people to do something. We can help with this. Teaching students how to tell compelling stories, actively listen, and engage with those they are trying to convince. We also look at insights into marketing psychology.


Schools take it for granted that students will be able to communicate effectively. This is patently false. Many people feel nervous to communicate or present their ideas. With this in mind, we want this unit to provide practical information on presentation skills, open body language, building a personal brand and writing skills.

Emotional Resilience

Emotional intelligence is one of the most critical skills students need to build. Without it, their options in life can be dramatically limited. In addition, students’ teen years and early 20s can be dramatic years of change, with substantial events happening for the first time. This part of the course helps students learn how to navigate these things by teaching self-care practices, happiness courses, and basics about boundary and conflict management.

Lifelong learning

Learning does not end at university. Many of the world’s most successful people are those who actively try to continuously learn. Not only does this help people be more flexible with their thinking, but it also makes students more employable. As such, this module focuses on teaching students how to teach themselves. This involves developing research skills and helping children find their unique learning style.


Health is so important. We all know this, but it is another blind spot for conventional schools. Small changes can have massive impacts on people’s health prospects. Some of the most common reasons people die prematurely is due to preventable illnesses that could have been made had someone been more informed. This module will provide a solid foundation for understanding health. We look at cooking, general nutrition and exercise.

Software and Efficient tools

AI is a genie that cannot be put back into the bottle. Nor is other assistive software. We take the stance that AI tools and student development are not opposing forces. AI can enhance a student’s ability to understand the world. The modern workplace will see these tools as normal in a few years, so having students ahead of the curve will make them more attractive in the workplace.

Critical Thinking

There are a lot of podcasts with a lot of people-, giving a lot of advice about many things. A lot of these things are wrong. Websites have been discussing an epidemic of fake news. One of the most essential skills to operate successfully in life, and certainly in university, is to think critically. We look at things such as fake news, as well as lessons on how to understand and interpret data.


Negotiation is a critical part of life. Whether you are haggling over a price in a market, trying to negotiate a new deal for a business, or simply trying to resolve a serious issue, negotiation plays a vital part in the process. With lessons led by world experts, we will supplement our business module with an additional one on the art of negotiation.

Geography and Trends

Having a good grasp on what the world is like today and where it is going in the future is great not just for interviews but also to inform people about how their society works. We believe this module will enrich people’s understanding of the world, allow them to make more informed decisions, and gain an appreciation of global politics. Topics covered include global and domestic threats, physical geography and demographic trends.

Life Automation

This module is a collection of some of the most important life lessons a student needs to learn if they want to be well-balanced. We cover more day-to-day things, such as how to back up data and store documents. But we go further than this; we also teach students how to get insurance, manage their time and automate tasks such as cooking and cleaning. Consider this an updated version of Home Economics.

Commercial and Criminal Justice System

We hope this is a module that a student will never have to consider in the future, but it is too important to miss. Having a firm understanding of the rights that students have, as well as the court process, could not only be of critical importance to a student’s personal life but also give them a stronger sense of how democratic institutions and the law work. We believe this module might create aspiring lawyers and are super excited to be working with some experts in the field to deliver these lessons.

Navigating bureaucracy

This module is exactly what you think it is! There are times in life when you have to fill out forms, learn about tedious processes and learn how to work within the constraints of a system. This module teaches students vital processes they will likely use throughout their lives. This includes learning about the logistics of homebuying, healthcare policies and changes and how to manage utility contracts.

Cognitive biases & communicating across cultures

Our final module is vital for a globalised world. As the sociology literature demonstrates, a better understanding of other cultures improves communication and reduces conflict. Given the international society we all live in, these cross-cultural interactions are increasing yearly. They are a necessary component of navigating the world. Using the latest studies into communication, culture and psychology, this module will explore how we can communicate meaningfully and respectfully across cultures. We also think this module will provide students with new ways of viewing the world.

So, there we have it; this has been a passion project of mine. Having the unique perspective of seeing how schools have failed children, I think the curriculum addresses all those points. If you are interested in this, please feel free to contact me.

Have a great Wednesday!

Deadline countdown (Sep '23 intake):

  • Oxbridge or UK Medicine (Sep '25) - 15 October 2024 - 230 days left.
  • USA Early Decision (Sep '25) - 01 November 2024 - 247 days left.
  • MBA and Postgraduate (Sep' 25) - 01 December 2024 - 277 days left.
  • USA Regular Decision (Sep' 25) - 01 January 2025 - 308 days left.
  • UK Undergraduate (Sep' 25) - 29 January 2023 - 336 days left.

Welcome to The University Admissions Newsletter.

My name is Sunny Jain and over the past 11 years I've been helping students get into the top universities in the UK and US.

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Hi, Sunny here. For 11 years, I have helped students build their CVs and get into some of the best universities in the UK and America such as Oxford, Stanford, and Yale. You can sign up here to receive my newsletter on CV-building activities alongside tips and insights on succeeding in the admissions process. I am also on Twitter and Instagram. And if you want professional help with university admissions, our company website is here. As I hinted at in previous newsletters, summer...

Hi, Sunny here. For 11 years, I have helped students build their CVs and get into some of the best universities in the UK and America such as Oxford, Stanford, and Yale. You can sign up here to receive my newsletter on CV-building activities alongside tips and insights on succeeding in the admissions process. I am also on Twitter and Instagram. And if you want professional help with university admissions, our company website is here. So, your child will be starting their A levels next...